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What is Satusteam™?

Satusteam™ by Weedtechnics is a patented method of producing a mixture of saturated steam and boiling water for weed killing.


Who uses Satusteam™?

Municipalities, Universities, School Districts, Landscapers, Stratas and Organic Farmers use it in Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and South America.


How is Satusteam™ delivered?

Our Weedtechnics machine instantaneously superheats water to a target temperature of 115 - 120° Celsius (239 – 248° Fahrenheit) and delivers it via pressure hoses in a superheated state to our applicator heads.

Will the pressure of the water destroy soil structure or leave a mess on adjacent surfaces?

No.  The saturated steam and boiling water are delivered at just 15 psi.  It thoroughly coats the vegetation and does not disturb your mulch, compact your soil, or spray residue onto adjacent surfaces such as walls and pathways.

 What is the impact on the soil?

It does not penetrate down to damage trees, berries or negatively impact soil organisms. Weeds disintegrate and compost into the soil, contributing to the overall soil health of each site.


Does it kill all weeds?

It kills soft wooded annual and perennial weeds and grasses very efficiently.  Applications for woody weeds require repeated longer applications on the root zones.

Does it control the seed bank?

With Satusteam™ application, seeds will denature and die or be germinated and sprout to be killed in the subsequent treatment this year, depleting the seed bank for the next year.


Does it kill the root system of the treated plants?

When Satusteam™ is applied to any exposed plant matter, the heat quickly transfers into the cell structure of the weed.  The exposed weed is thermally shocked, wilts and within 24-48 hours dies.  The super heated water and steam will have some penetration where the root zone becomes a stem and it either kills the weed outright or delays its regrowth.  Any remaining root system will use it’s stored energy to re-sprout, weakening it‘s overall structure.  Subsequent treatments of Satusteam™, delivered before the plant has regenerated its root zone will eliminate the weed.


When should I treat weeds with Satusteam™?

Any time of the life cycle but the speed of application will vary.  The most thorough weed kill is soon after germination.